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Meta:Guide to Notices

From Wikiballia
Revision as of 13:44, 21 December 2024 by SoupLuigi (talk | contribs)
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This page is a Meta Page. This means it applies to the Wikiballia itself and not the topic of it. These can also be called "Global Pages" due to them applying to the whole wiki.

Inserting the Template

Put {{Textbox}} into the Source Editor, or use the template inserted and search “Textbox”.

Editing the Template

After inserting it, it should look something like this:

(Insert content here)

Customizing the Template


Use the “body” parameter to put text, let's put “Hello, I'm a Textbox!” into it. It should look something like this now:

Hello, I'm a Textbox!


The color parameters use HEX[1] colors, for example, #FFFFFF makes white and #000000 makes black.

Let's make the textbox pink! We will set the “bgcolor” parameter to #ff00dd, which is a very vibrant shade of pink. It should look like this now:

Hello, I'm a Textbox!

The font and color clash! Let's make the textbox's font color, or text color #FFFFFF, or white. It should look like this now:

Hello, I’m a Textbox!

Much better! Now let's make the outline a light pink. Let's set the color to #ffbdf6, which is a very light pink. It should look like this now:

Hello, I'm a Textbox!

This looks splendid! I hope this tutorial helped you with textboxes!

  1. I'd recommend searching “HTML color picker” on Google to see a color picker with copyable HEX codes for that color.